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Studio & Class Etiquette

Dancers' Rules of Etiquette

1. Please show respect and good manners to teachers, staff, parents, volunteers, and each other at all times. Bring any complaints or issues to the office. No bad language or unruly behavior will be tolerated. Gossip is cruel and not tolerated, so please avoid it! Leave egos outside. We are all special and important here.


2. Dancers who are disruptive or disrespectful will be asked to leave class.


3.  Dance is mentally and physically very challenging,  requiring  Focus and Discipline. Arrive Positive, Calm, Respectful, Healthy, with Enthusiasm and Joy to work at your best.


4. Dancers must follow the rules of San Gorgonio Ballet’s Dress Code. (See Dress Code Page)


5. Arrive on time for class. Dancers who arrive late will be required to sit and observe the class, taking notes.


6. If the room your class is assigned to is available, dancers are expected to enter early for mental and physical preparation prior to class/rehearsal beginning.


7. Enter Quietly.  When class/rehearsal is in session there is no talking.


8. Bring into class/rehearsal with you, Water Bottle, and All Shoes Needed. So you do not need to leave class to retrieve them if the instructor asks for these items.


9. No sitting on the floor, leaning on the barres or walls during class/rehearsal.


10. Gum, Food, and Cell Phones are not allowed in class/rehearsal.


11. Friends and Family members of students are not allowed to sit in on classes/rehearsals.


Parents/Responsible Parties of Students

Please do not interrupt classes or rehearsals. If you have a question, comment, or concern for the Instructor, wait until classes/rehearsals finish to speak to the Instructor, or if a receptionist is available please take your needs to them.

If you have questions or concerns regarding your dancer and/or the school that requires further attention, schedule an appointment to speak with the Studio Manager or Artistic Director.

Photography or recording of classes or rehearsals is strictly prohibited. This will distract the dancers and could cause injury.

Please respect the dancer’s space and wait in designated areas reserved for parents and visitors while waiting for your child.

Only dancers are allowed on the dance floor and/or studios (dance rooms).



Monday: 10:30 am - 2:00 pm, 4:00-7:30 pm

Tuesday: 8:00 am - 10:30 am

Wednesday: 3:00 - 7:15 pm

Thursday: No Class

Friday: 4:00 - 7:30 pm
Saturday: Rehearsals

Sunday: No Class

© 2003 - 2024 by San Gorgonio Ballet. All Rights Reserved.

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